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Weekend Homework(周末作业)

2024-12-03 11:26:42

Weekend Homework There should be no more weekend homework for us students. Six days devoted to school are enough for us modern students, who have many other interests. With homework to do on Sundays, when can we find time to help around the house, join in a football or baseball game or see a good film, or just have a rest? Because of all these other activities, weekend homework is usually put off until Sunday night. As a resuit, it is often done so poorly that on Mondays teachers always scold the whole class who have little idea of what the learned lessons are about. If there were no homework for the weekends, students would go to school on Mondays well rested and be willing to study. Dear teachers, don't you agree with us?

周末作业 对于我们这些学生来说,周末不应该再有作业了。我们这些现在的学生都有很多其他的兴趣爱好,在学校六天的学习对于我们来说已经足够了。如果周日还要写作业的话,我们什么时候才能帮忙做做家务,玩玩足球、棒球,看看电影或是休息休息呢?由于所有这些其他的活动,末作业常常拖到星期天晚上才开始做。结果作业做得马马虎虎,星期一全班同学把所学的课程忘得精光,惹得老师大发雷霆。如果末没有作业的话,学生们就可以好好休息,星期一高高兴兴地去学校学习了。 亲爱的老师,您同意我们的意见吗?


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