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All-Win Business

2024-12-03 11:26:42

All-Win Business Randomly pick up a newspaper or a magazine, you can certainly find stories about private lives of famous people. It has already become an essential part of the media. Then, whether it is appropriate for a magazine or a newspaper to give this kind of private information has become a controversial issue. From my point of view, publishing private stories is beneficial to the stars, readers and newspapers. First, in the perspective of the stars, it is a good way to make themselves well known to the public. To them, support and attention from the public is as important as oxygen to living creatures. Thus, they try their best to be familiar to the public.The function of the newspaper, which can feature their stories,readers and newspapers. First, in the perspective of the stars, it is a good way to make themselves well known to the public. To them, support and attention from the public is as important as oxygen to living creatures. Thus, they try their best to be familiar to the public.The function of the newspaper, which can feature their stories,happens to meet their needs. Actually, the more frequently they appear in the newspapers, the higher popularity they will gain.And we can always find that those stars whose love stories have been published in the newspapers are the most noted during a certain period of time! So stars are the first beneficiaries. Then let's turn to the perspective of the readers. What do we read newspapers and magazines for? For information and for fun. Not all of us have the chance to become celebrities. Then reading the stories about the stars gives us the chance to know the experience of being famous, which provides us with both information and fun. Furthermore, fans always want to learn as much as possible about their idols by reading their private stories. Since both stars and readers need this kind of reports, there is no reason for newspapers and magazines not to publish them.When they choose to feature the private stories about the stars,they will appear more colorful, attract more readers and, of course, make more money. A perfect thing, isn't it? However, reporting private stories doesn't mean to infringe the stars' liberty. We don't need to know where Coco Lee is or with whom Jacky Chen is at this exact second. It will upset the balance among stars, readers and newspapers. Just report properly, then we can all benefit.

简 评 对于名人私生活是否该报道,不同人持不同看法。但像作者这样认为是件皆大欢喜的好事的恐怕不多。作者就此现象从名人、读者、媒体三方面作了一定程度的探讨、分析,自然而然地得出了这个结论,并无牵强之意。 本文语言流畅,文风纯朴,文笔简练,条理清楚,论点鲜明,论据贴切,颇有说服力。可以说是一篇风格独特,框架完整,节奏紧凑,又颇具幽默感和时代感的好文章。 当然,作者某些观点在许多人看来或许太过片面或绝对了些,而且缺乏深度。不过我们还是应该鼓励从不同视角、不同层次进行大胆的尝试。 (点评教师:时丽娜)


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