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Differences Between Plants and Animals-

2024-12-03 11:26:42

Differences Between Plants and Animals There are several characteristics which distinguish plants from animals. Generally speaking, plants are able to manufacture their own food, by using substances in the environment through the process which is known as photosynthesis. They can grow very well if they have enough sunshine, rainfall and fertilizer.In contrast, all animals, including man, get their food either directly from the plants or indirectly by eating animals which feed on plants or other animals. Animals, therefore, need a wide range of food than plants. Plants are stationary. They do not have the power to move. Animals, on the other hand, can usually move about.Consequently, plants appear to be less sensitive then animals although they respond in some ways to light, heat, physical contact and other stimuli. Plants are usually green. Animals, however are very diverse in external appearance. They may appear in anycolor you can think of.[点评] 这篇描述文用对比的方法对植物与动物之间的不同点逐一作了描述。文中所用转接词incontrast,Ontheotherhand和however使读者对这些不同点一目了然。[参考译文]动植物间的差异 有许多特征可将植物和动物区分开来。 一般说来,植物可以自己生成它们的食物。它们可以通过光合作用,用环境中的物质来实现这一点。如果有充足的阳光、雨水和肥料,它们便能茁壮成长。相比之下,动物,包括人在内,要么直接从植物那里获取食物,要么间接地从以植物或其他动物为生的动物那里获取食物。因此,动物比植物需要更广泛的食物。 植动是静止的,它们没有移动能力,而动物却可以四处流动。因此,虽然植物也以某种方式对光、热、接触及其他刺激作出反应,但它们却没有动物那么敏感。 植物一般为绿色,而动物的外表色泽则五花八门,它们可以是你能想像到的任何颜色。

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